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fascial integration

10 sessions, 60 minutes per session: $150 per session

This bodywork has a scientific basis of releasing lifelong patterns that cause hypertension, dysfunction, and chronic pain. Treatment requires a commitment to a sequence of 10 sessions (one per week) lasting 60 minutes each.

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30 minutes: $75
60 minutes: $125

This therapy focuses on balancing and harmonizing by breaking up crystallization and stimulating the specific nerve zones in your feet that map out every part of the human body. One-hour treatments include feet exfoliation with the option to address points in the hands and head as well.

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swedish soft tissue manipulation

60 minutes: $125
90 minutes: $145

Enhance your mental clarity, improve your outlook, and gain greater stress relief with this very relaxing and therapeutic style of bodywork. We combine warm oils and lotions with an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve circulation, get relief from aches and pains, and decrease anxiety levels.

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deep orthopedic

60 minutes: $125
90 minutes: $145

This corrective therapy aims to relieve tension by addressing the deeper layers of tissue in the body. The techniques are highly effective for releasing chronic stress areas occurring because of misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries.

Some treatments can be intense at times. Areas where special attention is given can feel sore afterward, but the treatment does not have to be uncomfortable. We recommend you ingest plenty of water to aid with the flush and removal of toxins that release during the session.

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sports massage

60 minutes: $125
90 minutes: $145

Techniques in this massage are most effective with highly active people who usually engage in athletics. We base the treatment on the intent of the athlete (pre-, inter-, or post-event), and the state of any recovering injuries. Muscle stretching along with active, and passive range of motion methods help to optimize positive performance factors while minimizing negative ones.

Results include: increase in flexibility, decrease in injury potential, greater kinesthetic awareness, faster muscle response and recovery process, support of soft tissue healing, target muscle use preparation, and balancing the mental, emotional, and social contributions.

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prenatal massage

60 minutes: $125
90 minutes: $145

Techniques in this massage help women cope with the tremendous stress that comes with the dramatic physical and emotional changes in their bodies during pregnancy. Various methods specifically for the expecting mother help relieve the pain and discomfort she feels throughout her gestation. The benefits are profound and include emotional support, relief of joint pain because of extra weight and postural imbalances, and better breathing and relaxation. Our special mother-to-be massage adaptor allows mom to lay prone.

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30-minute massage getaway

30 minutes: $75

Create self-care time for you while allowing yourself the simple pleasures. Reset your mind, body, and spirit with a quick massage focusing on where you need it most.

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additional: $30

Amplify the benefits of your massage treatment by including fragrant and therapeutic oils that cater to your personal need. Choose a single, or a mixture of a variety of pure essential oils.

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Steamy Wonder Spa steam tent

additional 15 minutes: $40

Add 15 minutes to your massage treatment to enjoy a warm steam table tent experience after your massage.

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hot stone therapy

90 minutes: $150

This style of hydrotherapy involves the placement of warm stones at specific sites on your body to help deepen your relaxation, and promote circulation in your muscles. The heat of the stones in harmony with soft tissue manipulation techniques promotes tension and stress release from your muscles more quickly than with a traditional massage. The results and overall experience is very stimulating, relaxing, nurturing, and rejuvenating.

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himalayan salt stone therapy

90 minutes: $150

This hydrotherapy treatment is an innovative healing method using warm salt crystal stones to ground and balance the body’s electromagnetic field, central nervous system, and meridians. Salt crystals from a primal sea beneath the Himalayan Mountains are hand-carved into massage stones that gently soothe away an accumulation of stress, tension, and pollutants. Feel the energy of ancient minerals as you enjoy a gentle massage with these crystal salt stones.

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salt/sugar body polish & steam

60 minutes: $155

Stimulate your circulatory system, nervous system, and lymph system while softening your skin with a full body scrub. In this hydrotherapy treatment friction exfoliates dead skin cells and creates vasodilation, which helps to circulate lymph fluids and aid in eliminating toxins. Once the pores are open and clear, relax in a warm Steamy Wonder Spa steam tent to further encourage the elimination of toxins. Finish with a moisturizer application.

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salt/sugar body polish & massage

90 minutes: $165

Encourage your skin’s blood circulation, refine and soften the epidermal layer, and renew your skin’s texture with a full body scrub. Exfoliate away dry, dead skin cells, and rinse off with a soothing shower. Next enjoy a pampering, moisture-rich full body massage.

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seaweed wrap

90 minutes: $165

We cover your body in warm seaweed to help increase metabolism, diminish fluid retention, and flush toxins from the body. The treatment begins with a full body dry-brush exfoliation, followed by an application of seaweed and a warm relaxing cocoon-style wrap and steam in our Steamy Wonder Spa steam tent for up to fifteen minutes (you may enjoy a scalp massage during this time). Next rinse with a soothing shower, and return to the table for a moisturizer application.

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botanical mud wrap

90 minutes: $165

This treatment begins with a full body dry-brush exfoliation and an application of botanical mud brushed onto the entire body. Next enjoy a warm relaxing cocoon style wrap and steam in our Steamy Wonder Spa steam tent for up to fifteen minutes allowing the nutrients in the mud to be absorbed by the skin (you may enjoy a scalp massage during this time). Rinse off with a soothing shower, and return to the table for a moisturizer application.

Mud treatments can help reduce water retention, joint pain, eczema, and psoriasis, and certain types of acne. Mud wraps are known for increasing circulation and removing toxins from the skin, thereby tightening and firming skin texture.

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